Manage your credit cards wisely: show your credit worthiness! Many people make the mistake of rushing to cancel credit cards – in an effort to improve their credit score. Bad idea. High balances are the problem – and your credit score is based on your balances relative to your available credit. Those cancelled cards represented “available credit” – so cancelling
Pay the bills on time: you’ll need a fool-proof system. The single biggest factor in your credit score is having a timely bill payment history. Credit agencies keep track of every late payment. And each one impacts your score. The good news is that recent late payments are factored more heavily than old ones: so you can start today with
Get your credit report: See what your lender sees. You might think that lenders make decisions based on some intricate financial calculation. In fact, lenders can easily pull up your credit report and see your credit score, which is based on how well you pay your bills on time, how much debt you’re carrying, how long your credit history is,
So maybe you let a few bills slide when things were tight. Or maybe you haven’t seen a zero balance on your credit card in longer than you can remember. Then there was that temporary line of credit…that somehow became permanent. It’s amazing how many things we do that weaken our credit score. A low credit score can prevent you
As long as you can get a mortgage, does it really make a difference what your credit rating is? Absolutely. Your credit rating is your “letter of reference” to lenders. It tells them what kind of a risk you are as a borrower, how much they can confidently lend you, and on what terms. A great credit rating, then, is
If you’re like most Canadians, your mortgage is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make. That means you need to manage it carefully – not just at renewal time. The past year has seen several significant changes in the mortgage market – and everyone is watching the rate environment very closely these days. It’s never been more important to
Financial comfort and joy. In a few weeks we’ll be in full gear getting ready for the holiday season. But before you get started on your holiday shopping list, here’s a tip for enjoying real financial comfort and joy this festive season: do a holiday debt-check! Why do a debt-check just when you’re getting excited about the holidays? Well…
“Everyone should talk to a mortgage broker, even if they are leaning towards getting a mortgage with their existing bank. You don’t know what you don’t know until you talk to an independent mortgage professional.” One of the key words in that quote is the word “independent”. Banks have their own mortgage reps out there that often call themselves “mortgage
The Bank of Canada has left the overnight rate the same at today’s meeting which leaves the prime rate unchanged at 3%. There is no change imminent. The rate has been unchanged now for 2 years making variable rate mortgage holders very happy. In it’s statement today, the Bank said: -” global headwinds continue to restrain economic activity” -” economic